Mt Charlie Red Angus Success at Euroa Autumn Cattle Show 2021

Mt Charlie Red Angus was delighted to be a part of the large contingent of cattle on show at the Euroa Autumn Cattle Show in Northern Victoria. Mt Charlie Master Blaster MCFR1 won the British Breeds 12-15 month bull class, and also placed third out of a class of 20 in the British Breeds under 12 month heifer class with Mt Charlie Red Caviar MCF(AI)R7. Mt Charlie Red Angus Principal Paul Rathbone said the show was a tremendous success with the show committee thrilled with the huge attendance, almost double expectations. This was the first outing for both Master Blaster and Red Caviar, both overcoming their initial apprehension at being out in public and on show for the first time!


Mt Charlie Master Blaster MCFR1

Mt Charlie Red Caviar MCF(AI)R7.jpg

Mt Charlie Red Caviar MCF(AI)R7

Mt Charlie Red Angus takes honours

Riddells Creek cattle stud, Mt Charlie Red Angus, took a number of honours at the recent Red Angus On-farm Challenge. The competition which was held across Victoria last month with more than 220 entries, showcased stud and commercial cattle in their normal farm environment without the requirement for the usual lengthy Royal Melbourne Show preparations.

Mt Charlie Red Angus took first place for a heifer 15-24 months, first place for a cow aged 2-3 years and second place for a bull in the 9-15 month categories. The stud also took out the photographer’s choice award for a young calf.

Paul Rathbone, co-owner of the stud, said the results were really pleasing given the tough competition.

“Our careful selection of top-quality genetics has paid dividends, and we’re really pleased with the way our cattle have developed over the years.

 “As part of our breeding program, we focus on qualities of easy calving, structure, and muscle, together with good temperament, he said.

The cancellation of shows across Australia as a result of COVID-19 restrictions meant significantly reduced opportunities for stud and commercial farms to showcase their cattle.

The On-farm challenge provided the opportunity for producers to have their cattle judged in a COVID-safe environment.

“Mr Rathbone said the Mt Charlie Red Angus stud is looking forward to making a significant contribution to building the Red Angus breed in Australia.

“Red Angus cattle are renowned worldwide for their efficiency in beef production and docile disposition, calving ease, maternal excellence and carcase qualities, and they’re great to work with,” he added.

Red Angus is celebrating 50 years of the breed in Australia.

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Red Angus Rise to the Challenge

The Red Angus Society Victoria On-Farm challenge is taking place over three days from 31 October to 2 November. The event which will feature 217 head of cattle, will showcase both Red Angus stud and commercial animals and feature 17 farms from across Victoria.

Red Angus Society of Australia President, Mr Kevin Heggen said the On-Farm Challenge provided an opportunity for Red Angus breeders to present their cattle, at a time when COVID-19 restrictions have resulted in shows across the country being cancelled and other opportunities reduced.

“It’s been a difficult time for both commercial farms and stud owners with various restrictions in place meaning reduced options for those wanting to showcase their animals and the breed. We want to ensure that during these challenging times, producers have a chance to show the huge potential of the Red Angus breed more widely presented in their working environment, he said.

Mt Charlie Red Angus located at Riddell’s Creek will be exhibiting in the On-farm challenge for the first time and co-owner Paul Rathbone said it was a terrific opportunity to demonstrate the great qualities of the breed.

“There has been a strong and growing interest in Red Angus from other producers because of the easy working nature of the cattle, their calving ease, maternal excellence and carcase attributes as well as their tremendous efficiency in beef production,” he said.

Red Angus Society is also celebrating the 50th anniversary of the breed in Australia this year and were to have been the feature breed at the Royal Melbourne Show in September 2020. 

“It’s disappointing the show was cancelled as a result of COVID-19 but we are looking at future events to highlight the terrific capacity of Red Angus once restrictions are lifted,” Mr Rathbone said.

Judging of the On-Farm Challenge will be by Rob Onley, from Agri Gene based in Noorat in Western Victoria. Rob has been involved in the stud industry for many years working with properties both in Australia and in the USA.

With major support provided by SEMEX, Nationwide AB services, Dr Doug Watson embryo transfer services, Virbac and the Victorian Red Angus group, this promises to be a great event.


Black Diamond Miss Red Panache and her heifer calf R5

Black Diamond Miss Red Panache and her heifer calf R5

Mt Charlie Red Angus welcomes BST Tullatoola Utopia G53 (BST G053)

Mt Charlie Red Angus is delighted to welcome BST Tullatoola Utopia G53 as a key addition to its stud. This top performing female is dam to a quality line of Australian champions. Sired by high performing Canadian bull RED TER-RON REALDEAL 01W (AMF) (MAF) (OSF) CANM1491496  Utopia adds a new line of quality genetics to Mt Charlie Red Angus. We’re really excited to have Utopia at Mt Charlie and looking forward to seeing her progeny continue to take honors well into the future.

Dam to:

RDMG Red Solo Cup winner of Hordern Trophy 2017 Sydney Royal; Supreme Interbreed Exhibit Dubbo Show 2017; Grand Champion Red Angus Bull & Supreme Red Angus Exhibit at Adelaide Royal 2017; Grand Champion Red Angus and Senior Interbreed Champion Bull Royal Melbourne Show 2017

T&R Jewel Grand J13 Grand Champion Red Angus Female at Royal Adelaide Show 2017; Grand Champion Red Angus Female and Supreme Red Angus Exhibit Royal Melbourne Show 2017

T&R Jewel J6 Interbreed Champion Dubbo Show 2017; Reserve Senior Champion Female Royal Adelaide Show 2017; Reserve Senior Champion Angus Female and Reserve Interbreed Senior Champion Female at Royal Melbourne Show 2017

RDMG Dixie Cup N11 1st Heifer under 12months Sydney Royal Show 2018

BST Tullatoola Utopia G53 (BST G053)

BST Tullatoola Utopia G53 (BST G053)

Miss Hollywood Grand Champion Female - Canberra Royal Show

Mt Charlie Red Angus’ 12-month-old heifer Black Diamond Miss Hollywood debuted at the Canberra Royal taking honors by winning both Junior and Grand Champion Female. Miss Hollywood is sired by North American bull Red Lazy MC Hollywood 127C and out of the Black Diamond 35X Mistress M501 female that has had a number of show successes throughout her career.

"She is the oldest Hollywood calf in Australia, and therefore the first to be shown," Christie Fuller from Black Diamond Stud in Cowra said.

Mt Charlie Red Angus purchased Mistress M501 and Miss Hollywood in 2019 to boost the genetic lines of their growing stud in the Macedon Ranges, North West of Melbourne.

Miss Hollwood Q500 was the calf-at-foot when Mistress M501 was the grand champion female and supreme exhibit of the 2019 Royal Melbourne Show.

Miss Hollywood.jpg

Grand champion female Black Diamond Miss Hollywood held by Rachael Wheeler, RDM Angus, Wellington, and judge Tim Reid, JTR Cattle, Roslyn, and associate judge Michelle Fairall, Micanker Livestock, Harden. Photo: Hannah Powe

Full story:

Royal Melbourne Show Success

Recent addition to the Mt Charlie Red Angus herd Black Diamond 35X Mistress M501 won Supreme Red Angus Exhibit and Grand Champion Red Angus Cow at the 2019 Royal Melbourne Show. A special thanks from the Mt Charlie Red Angus team to Christie Fuller, Black Diamond Angus stud Cowra, NSW and to Rachel Wheeler RDM Angus Wellington, NSW for their help in preparation and their wonderful support and advice.

Black Diamond 35X Mistress M501 Supreme Red Angus Exhibit, Grand Champion Cow, Royal Melbourne Show 2019

Black Diamond 35X Mistress M501 Supreme Red Angus Exhibit, Grand Champion Cow, Royal Melbourne Show 2019


Mt Charlie Red Angus was a first-time participant at the Red Angus National Show and Sale 17-19 June 2019. Given the major issues with drought across much of Australia bull clearance rates were to 50 per cent with 12 of the 24 bulls on offer sold. Mt Charlie Red Rufus MCFN1 was sold to MP Smith, Picton, NSW and a few days following the sale Mt Charlie Red Ragnar MCFN2 was sold to Harvest Field Farm, Mountain View Victoria. Thank you to both purchasers for your support of Mt Charlie Red Angus.

A successful debut for Mt Charlie.

We’re looking forward to Royal Melbourne Show in September and hope to see you there!
